Online Renewal Instructions


License Renewal Fee $50.00

Late Renewal Fee (additional) $50.00


Online renewals begin April 1 and end June 30th of every year.  Renewals can ONLY be completed online. 

Instructions for Online Renewal

 To complete your online renewal you will need:

  1. your North Carolina OT or OTA license number;
  2. the last four digits of your social security number or your previous renewal password;
  3. documentation showing proof of completion of a minimum of 15 continuing competence activity (CCA) points, including at least one CCA point in ethics;
  4. if this is your first renewal, you are not required to provide CCA points (unless you have been notified by the Board that you are required to submit CCA points);
  5. a valid MasterCard, Visa or Discover card with expiration date, security code and complete billing address.

You will be able to access the online renewal page by April 1, of the current renewal year at the “Online Renewal” tab of the Board’s website at  Follow the online instructions to the Licensee Log-in page.


The first time you log-in you will use the last four (4) digits of your social security number for your password.  If you have logged into the system before, use your previous password and skip to the section below titled "Renewal Page One (1).  The next screen will prompt you to change your password.  Make a note of your new password as it will be required to log-in to update your information and to track CCA throughout the year.


Renewal Page One (1) contains your personal information from the Board’s files.  Please review and correct the information as necessary so that our records are current and complete.  Your mailing address is the location you would like written correspondence from the Board to be sent.  Your North Carolina address is where you are living in North Carolina while you are providing occupational therapy in the State.  These two (2) addresses may be the same.  Please complete all sections.


The Board is only interested in where you work in North Carolina.  Enter the North Carolina physical address where you work, not the address of the parent company.  If you have more than one (1) employer, enter your primary employment information.  List all supervisors or supervisees.


The Supervisor and Supervisee fields give you an opportunity to update this information.  It is required that you enter the license number and name of your supervisor(s) or supervisee(s).  You may obtain license numbers from the license verification page on the Board’s website.  OTAs must have a supervisor on record in order to complete the rest of the renewal process.  If you are an unemployed OTA/L, type “unemployed” in the “supervisor” field.


NOTE: If you wish to keep a copy of the information submitted during the renewal process, you must print each page of the on-line renewal after completing the required information but before clicking the “save and continue” button.


Renewal Page Two (2) contains educational information and the information collected for the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research.  In 2006 the Board agreed to participate with the Cecil G. Sheps Center in collecting data for their annual publication on North Carolina health professions.  Each year the Center publishes a book with data from approximately 20 different health care professions.  This data is used by the legislature, policy makers, educators, the press and others in identifying emerging health workforce issues, monitoring trends in health professional supply and distribution and providing policy makers with objective, timely data for informed health workforce policy debates.  You may get more information on this program at


Renewal Page Three (3) allows you to enter your continuing competence activities.  Click on the “Add New CCA” button, chose the category of your CCA as defined in Rule .0805, enter the date, description and CCA points earned. You are now required to upload documentation showing proof of completion for the CCAs completed.  See Rule .0805 or the Qualified Activities for Maintaining Continuing Competence chart provided on the Continuing Competence tab for the required documentation for each CCA category.    Click on “Add CCA” to save.  If the CCA lasted more than one day, enter the date that the activity was completed.  Continue adding your CCA until you have added all applicable activities.  You will be allowed to enter more CCA points than the maximum in each category but only the maximum allowable point total will be considered to reach the total number of points required.  One point in ethics is mandatory for this renewal period and every renewal thereafter.  You have to categorize your ethics CCA as Ethics in order for the online renewal system to recognize that you have completed a minimum of 1 point in ethics.  General help for creating and converting documents into the required PDF format can be found by clicking here.

You will not be able to continue with the renewal process until all required point totals have been reached.  You are able to enter your CCA points as you complete them throughout the year.

You should maintain copies of required documentation for a minimum of two (2) years following the last day of the license renewal period for which the continuing competence activity points were earned.

Pursuant to Rule .0808, as provided below, the Board will perform a random audit of the continuing competence activities submitted with your online renewal.



(a) The Board shall perform a random audit or full review of licensees’ continuing competence activity requirements at least once during each licensing period.

(b) A licensee who is audited shall provide proof of completion of the continuing competence activities.

(c) A licensee who fails to comply with the continuing competence activity requirements of this Section shall be subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or revocation of license.


Renewal Page Four (4) contains the declaration of moral character questions.  These questions must be answered in order to continue. There is also an affirmation that you have read the North Carolina Occupational Therapy Practice Act and Rules of the Board and conduct your practice accordingly.  The most current copy of the Practice Act and Rules can be accessed on the Board web site,


When you click “save and continue” you will be advised that you have successfully completed the online renewal application and will be directed to the secure payment site.  The Board accepts MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit and debit cards.  No credit card information is stored by the Board.  After the transaction is complete, you may print the acknowledgement page to confirm that the renewal was processed.  The acknowledgement page includes your  License Renewal Card in a PDF format.  It is the licensee's responsibility to print their renewal card.  Your credit card statement will serve as your payment receipt.




Refund Policy:


All payments are final. No refunds will be made.


Privacy Policy:


The NC Board of Occupational Therapy is sensitive to the privacy interests of licensees and believes that the protection of licensee’s financial information is a significant responsibility.  The NC Board of Occupational Therapy has adopted the following Privacy Policy applicable to financial information about licensees that it acquires in the course of its business.


1. Acquisition of Information.  We do not acquire any more financial information about licensees than is required by law or is otherwise necessary to provide a high level of service efficiently and securely.

2. Our Employees and Privacy.  We train all of our employees about the importance of privacy. We give access to information about licensees only to those employees who require it to perform their jobs.

3. Security Measures.  We make access to financial information subject to rigorous procedural and technological controls, consistent with legal requirements and the demands of customer service.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties.  We will provide financial information about licensees to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have the express permission of the licensee, or it is necessary to process transactions and provide our services.

5. Privacy and Our Business Partners.  We do not have business partners.


If you have questions about this privacy policy, please send an e-mail to


Enter Online Renewals


If you have already renewed, and need to reprint your license, use the link below.  During the renewal period, April 1 to June 30, the link below is not available.  During this period, the link above can be used to reprint your license.


Reprint Licenses