Current Disciplinary Actions

When the Board takes disciplinary action against a licensee, a brief statement of the conduct and the sanctions imposed will appear on the Board’s web page for a period of time equal to the length of the disciplinary action, or one year, whichever is greater.  Licensees who have failed to meet the conditions imposed will remain on the web page until the conditions are met.  NOTE: Disciplinary actions taken by the Board remain on the licensee’s record even though all conditions imposed by the Board have been met.

The North Carolina Board of Occupational Therapy Investigative Procedures can be downloaded by clicking here.  


Date Action Taken


Grounds for Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Action


Bryan Brown


Attempted to obtain payment by fraud or deceit, convicted of attempting to defraud an insurance company and failed to notify the Board within 30 days of conviction of a felony that involved moral turpitude.

An Order was issued on 11/17/14.  License revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.


Francisco Alvarado


Failed to include in his application for an occupationa therapy license that he had been fired from his position as an occupational therapist in CA for billing for services not rendered on at least one occasion and forging a parent's signature on a treatment note which constituted grounds for a Stipulated Settlement and Disciplinary Order entered by the CA Board of Occupational Therapy.

An Order was issued on 9/12/16.  License revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.



Neil Gerke



Incompetent OT practice, failed to provide timely documentation of services and billed for services not rendered.

An Order was issued on 3/19/18.  License revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.



Tammi Gilbert-Chaffin



Diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder.  Failed to respond to the Board and appear for a hearing. 

An Order was issued on 1/15/18.  License suspended.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs..

9/24/18 Kelly McCrary

Failed to provide timely, accurate and complete documentation of her OT services, documented OT services that she did not provide to a client, removed a computer from the facility and attempted to remove the billings for the client. An Order was issued on 9/24/18.  License will be suspended for one year when she renews her license following three years of probation.  Obtain supervision during her probation.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.

Heather Brown


Failed to provide timely, accurate and complete documentation of her OT services and documented OT services that she did not provide to a client.

An Order was issued on 11/11/19.  License revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.

Miranda Rape


Without permission or knowledge of her employer, took various amounts of money from the money drawer bank bag at her place of employment.

An Order was issued on 11/11/19.  License revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs.
9/20/21 Brian Cox #12306 Documented false and misleading data regarding patients, billed for services not rendered, practiced beyond his scope of practice as an OTA and was incompetence in practice. An Order was issued on 9/20/21.  Complete the Remediation Program provided by the Board.  License was put on probation for two years.  Assessed civil penalty and disciplinary costs. 

Vanessa Jewell #15904

Employed as an associate professor with an OT program in NC during which time she was not licensed as an OT/L in NC. A Consent Order was issued on 5/15/23.  License was placed on probation for two years.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.

Jenny Westbrook #8270

Documented OT services not rendered. A Consent Order was issued on 5/15/23.  License was placed on probation for two years.  Complete additional CCAs.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
9/25/23 Cheryl Gates #6377 Failed to complete continuing competence activities in a timely manner for three renewal periods. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
9/13/23 Angela Blackburn #9218 Failed to renew license on time resulting in practicing with an expired license since July 1, 2023. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
9/8/23 Candace Gifford #4206 Failed to complete continuing competence activities in a timely mannner for more than three renewal periods. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
1/8/24 Kelly Powell #6247 Documented for services not rendered to a patient and admitted to signing the patient’s initials to the documentation. A Consent Order was issued on 1/8/24.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
3/18/24 Denise Hudson Nesbitt #4586 Signed her initials to a patient’s documentation and contends she recorded a note for the facility but no one was present to put the note in the patient’s chart. A Consent Order was issued on 3/18/24.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
3/18/24 Tina Bradley #9907 Provided occupational therapy services with an expired license. An Order was issued on 3/18/24.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
5/13/24 John Broome #8726 Documented for services not rendered. A Consent Order was issued on 5/13/24.  License was placed on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
5/13/24 Kelsey Thompson #14372 Documented for services not rendered. A Consent Order was issued on 5/13/24.  License was placed on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
5/13/24 Ashley White #8726 Documented for services not rendered. A Consent Order was issued on 5/13/24.  License was placed on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
7/3/24 Lisa Tucker #5414 Failed to renew license on time resulting in practicing with an expired license since July 1, 2024. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
7/8/24 Kelly Dutton #14957 Failed to renew license on time resulting in practicing with an expired license since July 1, 2024. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
7/15/24 Laurianne Henderson #14896 Failed to complete documentation, including SOAP notes and plans of care, for many patients. A Consent Order was issued on 7/15/24.  License was placed on probation for two years.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
7/15/24 Julie Moser #9192 Engaged in an inappropriate, sexual, intimate relationship with a patient, interfered with the patient’s treatment plan and failed to comply with the Department’s no contact order. An Order was issued on 7/15/24.  License was revoked.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
7/15/24 Nikki Rudd #7899 Performed telephone visits to patients where some needed in-home visits but was documenting the telephone visits under a code that is for in-home visits only. An Order was issued on 7/15/24.  License was suspended for one year.  Following suspension, license will be placed on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
7/18/24 Abby Woodward #16631 Failed to renew license on time resulting in practicing with an expired license since July 1, 2024. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
9/10/24 Evie Blacka #13897 Failed to renew license on time resulting in practicing with an expired license since July 1, 2024. Letter of Reprimand.  Assessed civil penalty.
11/18/24 Jose Rafols #17271 Employed as the Chair-Program Director of the OT program at UNC-Pembroke during which time he was not licensed as an OT/L in North Carolina. A Consent Order was issued on 11/18/24.  License put on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
1/13/25 Jeniffer Mulherin #12921 Failed to provide documented services and acknowledged having difficulty completing documentation of the services she rendered. A Consent Order was issued on 1/13/25.  License put on probation for one year.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.
1/13/25 Jenny Westbrook #8270 Failed to document services properly, failed to provide OT services to patients in need of services and violated an Order of the Board while on probation. A Consent Order was issued on 1/13/25.  License suspended for one year and placed on probation following suspension.  Assessed civil penalty and costs.


Updated 2-25-2025